Founded in 1925, The New Yorker publishes the best writers of its time and has received more National Magazine Awards than any other magazine, for its groundbreaking reporting, authoritative analysis, and creative inspiration. The New Yorker takes readers beyond the weekly print magazine with the web, mobile, tablet, social media, and signature events. The New Yorker is at once a classic and at the leading edge.
The Mail: The Mail
Goings On
Tables for Two: Ilis • 150 Green St., Brooklyn
Comment: Trials and the Trail
If You Build It: A Shul Is a Shul Is a Shul
Visiting Dignitary: Skater Love
Dept. of Knots: Stringing Along
Brave New World: Look Up
Personal History: Goodyear • On tires, toenails, and walks with an old friend.
Shouts & Murmurs: We’re Sorry to See You Go
Annals of Politics: Ruling-Class Rules • How to thrive in the power élite—while declaring it your enemy.
Profiles: Crème de la Crème • Sofia Coppola’s path to filming gilded adolescence.
Poems: Habibti Ghazal
Letter from Spain: Cave Woman • Beatriz Flamini liked solitude so much that she decided to live underground for five hundred days.
Sketchbook: Avoiding the Evil Eye
Poems: Aerial View
Fiction: Poor Houdini
Books: Acid Reflux • When America first went tripping.
Books: Briefly Noted
Books: The Chief • How William Howard Taft remade the Supreme Court.
Books: Double Vision • The mystique of twins.
The Art World: Tone Control • The sane genius of Emily Mason.
The Current Cinema: Not Long for This World • “Tótem” and “I.S.S.”
Puzzles & Games Dept.: The Crossword • A beginner-friendly puzzle.