John T. Chain, Jr., rose from a second lieutenantto four-star general and led ournational missile defense program.
Mike Harper led ConAgra Foods from$636 million to $20 billion in 20 years andincreased its stocks value 150 times over.
Ask Gary Cohen what these remarkable leadershave in common and his answer will bestraightforward: They use questions to generatefresh ideas, inspire committed action, andbuild an army of forward-thinking leaders.
In Just Ask Leadership, Cohen steers you awayfrom the all-too-common idea that if youdon't assert yourself with strong statements,you will not be respected. On the contrary,statistics prove that 95 percent of employeesprefer to be asked questions rather than betold what to do. Involving employees andcolleagues in decision making processesbuilds an environment rich with energy, excitement,and innovative problem solving.
Just Ask Leadership outlines not only specificquestions to ask in certain contexts, but alsohow to implement question-based leadershipas a whole. Learn how to
When you ask questions, you show respect—and you are respected in turn. It is thatsimple.
A combination of Cohen's proven expertiseand interviews with nearly 100 highly effectiveleaders, Just Ask Leadership explains howto harness the power of questions to makeyour organization more competitive, moreprofitable, and a better place to work.